Property Valuation: Part 3

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Property Valuation

I don’t know how many times I have heard that the most important element underlying the value of real estate is location. Location, location, location! It is true; 4 acres on the beach in Del Mar is likely to be worth more than any 4 acre parcel in the San Diego County backcountry. However, with […]

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Property Reports

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Property Valuation Report

What is a Property Report? A Property Report is a compilation of information gathered about a particular property being offered for sale that a buyer, or buyer’s broker, will need to determine if the property in question will fit the intended use of the potential buyer. Property Reports can be found on for every property […]

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Welcome to my domain! I have been writing regularly for the past 25 or more years – mostly to sort out the crap that clutters my perception of life. Writing is a form of therapy for me. I have never blogged and, truth be told, I am still not clear on just what blogging entails. […]

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